Keyword Research

Johnson Sigamala
4 min readDec 16, 2020


by Sai Thrilok Cholleti December 16, 2020

Keyword Research

The process in which the advertisers or the marketing agents observe and understand the search terms used by the users over the search engines to get the desired results is called Keyword Research.

There are three main types of Keywords.

1.Short — Tail Keywords:

The keywords that contain one or two words are treated as Short -tail keywords.

Eg: Hello world.

2.Mid — Tail keywords:

The keywords that contain three to four keywords are called Mid -tail keywords.

Eg: Google Keyword Research, Google Search Engine Optimization.

3.Long — Tail keywords:

The keywords that contain more than four words are called Long — tail keywords.

Eg: How to Research a keyword, how to get keyword Ideas?

Note: It is always suggested to target with the Long — tail keywords. As the Google Search Suggestions always show the long-tail keywords whenever you enter a keyword in the Google search bar.

Keyword Match Types

Broad match: It will show your ad when someone searches for broad match keywords, variations of it, synonyms, misspellings, as well as other related topics.

Eg: The broad match keyword “bicycle bell” can cause your ad to show if someone searches for variations and related searches like “cycling accessories,” “blue bicycle helmets,” and “bell reviews for bikes.”

Broad Match Modifier: Broad match modifiers ensure your ads will only show for searches that include the words you’ve marked with a plus sign, such as +blue +suede +shoes, or its close variations in any order but not synonyms.

Phrase match: A keyword setting that allows your ad to show only when someone’s search includes the exact phrase of your keyword, or close variations of the exact phrase of your keyword, with additional words before or after.

Eg: When you add “adopt a kitten” as a phrase match keyword, you tell Google Ads to try to show your ad only when someone’s search includes “adopt a kitten” or close variations of “adopt a kitten” such as “where to adopt kittens in Nashville,” “how to adopt a baby cat,” or “local kitten adoption events.”

Exact Match: It allows you to reach prospects searching only for the specific keyword you’re bidding on or close variants of that keyword. Bidding on exact match keywords allows you to exercise tight control over your advertising budget, giving you a better ROI on your ad investment.

Negative Keywords: Negative keywords are used to completely exclude certain words, keywords, and phrases so your search ads do not show for specific search queries. In addition, you can use negative keywords for your Display campaigns and Video campaigns to improve your targeting. Negative keywords are used to optimize your campaigns and improve your targeting in Google Ads.

How to get Keyword Ideas?

Use “Google Search Suggestions”

Google search suggestions are the suggestions given by Google whenever we searching with the keyword, Google search engine shows the other familiar keyword that is mostly searched in the Google. We can collect the keywords from the suggestions and use them as the target keyword.

Google search related suggestions.

Google search related suggestions are the other related search results that are suggested by the Google search engine. These suggestions are showed at the bottom of the first results page after searching for a keyword. We can also use them in the process of keyword Research for collecting keywords.

Keyword Research Tools:

Keyword Tools are the digital tools (websites) that are used for determining the parameters of the Keyword research for Google search engine optimization. Some of the free and paid versions of the keyword research tools are listed below.

  • Google Keyword planner.
  • Uber suggest by Neli Patel

Parameters for selecting a keyword:


Check for the relevant keywords that are relevant to your business, business locations,

2.Search Volume:

Check out the average searches per month on that particular keyword. It suggested choosing a keyword that has at least 1000 or more average search volume per month.


Competition on a keyword is how hard to get on the first page of the Google search result Always try to choose a high search volume and low competition keyword. use the paid keyword research tools for better results.

Keyword=(high/medium) search volume + (low/medium) competition.

Golden keywords:

The keywords that contain High average search volume and Low competition are called Golden keywords. These are also called Buying Keywords. These keywords are converting keywords, most of the people searching with these keywords are ready to buy something or looking for a service.

Selecting a keyword.

The following conditions are useful for selecting a keyword:

Condition 1: High search volume + Low competition.

Condition 2: Medium search volume + Low competition.

Condition 3: Medium search volume + Medium competition



Johnson Sigamala
Johnson Sigamala

Written by Johnson Sigamala

I'm a Professional Digital Marketer. I will provide eCommerce Business Solutions. For More Details, Visit:

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